Sea Wees were dolls created after the beautiful creatures of mythology. Created in 1979, they came with a floating sponge shaped like an island, a larger Sea Wee mother doll, a smaller baby doll, and sometimes a pet with names having to do with their environment or what kind of creature the pet was. Many people can recall owning at least one set of these as a child and regretting ever letting them go because of how much toy collectors are willing to pay for them.

It's obvious that these were tub toys meant to be played with in the water. Most of the toys found today have frizzy hair, a common effect when their hair has been wet and tangled. Nothing a little tender loving care can't fix. A problem that is a little harder to fix is paint chips common for these toys.

If you have any information such as playsets and names from these wonderful toys of the '80's please let me know.

Available Images
MOC Tropigals
Loose Sea Wees
More Loose Sea Wees
Bubble Ballet Sea Wee

SeaWeesİ are property of Kenner toys.

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